Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Coaching the body & mind

Here is an article about Belgian football "soccer" coach who really gets what it means to teach a player how to take ownership of their own learning. We strongly agree with Bryce Courntenay when he said "the mind is the athlete the body is simply the means it uses". I can tell this coaches does as well. In this article you can see that coach Bruyninckx has a deep understanding of progressing the stimuli players experiences as well as teaching them how to learn to solve problems them self. Often coach focus only on movements of the game or physical strength.. I believe that this has happened in part because we don't have a lot of training out there on how to train learning and how to plan practices that progress what player is mentally attentive to. This coaches is getting some great results training movements and thinking. Enjoy the read and to coach Bruynickx I say well done sir.
Click here to read the article